S03 E07 – Stories Came Prepared


If you walked into Stories’s camp, he would hug you, get you a drink, a comfortable chair, and some food. The Playa Puzzle Project 2018 (you don’t need a packet, but you do.) Burners Under the Influence Camp. Our first guest who brought an outline with him. We love Stories, but he loves us more. A promise from D-day. BOLLYWOOD MUSIC VIDEO LINK: https://goo.gl/g3QgqD GIVE CAMP BUI YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS: http://www.campbui.org

3 thoughts on “S03 E07 – Stories Came Prepared

  1. Thank you for the A3d Podcast! says:

    Always a special day when I get the little notification of a new downloaded episode, which makes my daily run that much more fun. Thank you for your podcasts.

    I never knew there was an Instagram until now so I had mental pictures of each of you. The garage looks similar to what I thought, but a bit disappointed that D-Day looks nothing like the guy from Animal House.


    1. accuracythird says:

      Which guy from Animal House? I can look like anyone in the right lighting, if you squint hard enough. My point is, how dare you assume I look like people, you know? THANK YOU FOR THANKING US FOR OUR PODCASTS! Thank you for listening, running, and taking care of yourself. d-day


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